Kevin Von Erich Reveals Why He Never Signed With WWE
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On a recent edition of the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Von Erich revealed why he never signed a contract with WWE and discussed his sons (Marshall and Ross Von Erich) blazing their own trails within the pro wrestling industry.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On why he didn’t want to sign with WWE: “I did go up and have a few matches for them. I really didn’t want to [sign with the WWF], Chris, because to me the business is all about making money. And I wanted to weigh on the other hand being a father.”
On being at a point where he was still able to wrestle while spending time with his family: “I got to a point where I could work four or five nights a week at least, and take my family with me
sometimes. Otherwise, it would’ve been a grind that I wasn’t ready to put out there. I wouldn’t have had my heart in it.”
Kevin on his sons’ journeys as pro wrestlers: “Shoot, man. At first, [my emotions were] way worse. Even now when I watch them, I kind of get choked up sometimes. It’s so much, and it’s not something I had planned. Before, I put a paper bag on my head.”
Marshall on discovering this carving commonality: “While we were talking, we looked on the brick wall and there was a faded scratch mark, and we looked at it like a few times, but then we got closer to it, and it said ‘Kev. Dave 1980-something.’ It rocked us because they were exactly our age at that time … That was the confirmation that my brother and I took that as ‘Okay, this is the door that’s open right now. We’ll continue down this journey until another door opens or until God says otherwise.’”
Kevin Von Erich’s life and career are documented in the new film, The Iron Claw, which is currently playing in theaters. Kevin Von Erich is portrayed by Zac Efron in the movie.